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Evolve realises that best practice pathways are key to improving patient outcomes and that only when a drug is utilised as part of that pathway will its full potential be realised.

Identifying the appropriate patient cohort for a medication and understanding the current limitations within this treatment pathway enables the delivery of clinical excellence with associated improvements in patient outcomes, cost-effectiveness and patient satisfaction.

This allows the true potential of the medication to be realised with increased utilisation, improved medication adherence and better associated outcomes. 

The Evolve service package is focused on promoting quality and safe prescribing across the NHS. We believe that by applying a standardised approach to analysing real world prescribing, referral, treatment, patient experience and outcomes data; an accurate and compelling rationale can be provided to NHS organisations to implement treatment pathway optimisations.

We believe that by demonstrating the value of specific therapy area pathways we can support the NHS to deliver improved outcomes and cost efficiencies whilst ensuring that approved medications are fully implemented.

Our EVOLVE process releases the full potential of your medication through six defined processes:

Evaluation – standardised evaluation of products or interventions through detailed analytics.

Value – identification of the unique strengths of the product and how this delivers value at CCG, Practice and Patient level.

Optimisation – identification of how the product can be safely and appropriately implemented to deliver this value.

Local Pathway – identification of additional processes that can be undertaken in conjunction with the implementation to maximise patient outcome improvements and NHS efficiencies.

Validation – analysing end-point data, patient experience feedback, patient adherence data, cost and clinical outcomes in a standardised way to ensure the pathway delivers value. This forms the basis of a national and international business case

Education – having validated the process it is essential that the key stakeholders are aware of the improvements achieved through implementation of the pathway. This is focused at patient, practice and organisational level to ensure improved uptake.

Evolve enables pharmaceutical manufacturers to realise the true potential of their medications whilst enabling patients to simultaneously benefit from the best practice pathways attached to their condition.

Our vision is that the evolve process will become the industry standard for implementation of all new medications.